2. Food for Comrades
Food for Comrades was founded in 2021 by members of Palms Unhoused Mutual Aid to address the consistent hunger amongst unhoused folks we regularly do outreach with. Unhoused folks are rarely given food by their case workers, even those living in shelters, despite the amount of funding housing agencies and housing programs receive. Even when people do receive food, people report that it's often spoiled, makes them feel ill, ignores their dietary needs, is not enough to keep them full, or just doesn't taste good.
This is unacceptable on so many levels, but is especially egregious when you learn that globally 30-40% of all food created is trashed. While some countries have issues with their supply chain, mostly all of the food trashed in the US is to keep prices artificially high. Perfectly good food is just rotting in landfills and emitting methane into our atmosphere while people starve, all in the name of capitalism. This an environmental disaster and a humanitarian crisis, and we full-heartedly reject the commodification of food. Our goal is to create a new food system free of commodification. FFC recovered 29,943 pounds of food, 10,097 meals in 2024. Food prep team on Wenesday, Outreach & Groceries Distro on Sunday and monthly kit build. Follow on instagram: @foodforcomrades.